Emotional hardcore. Formed in Ottawa, ON raised in Elora, ON

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[03/06/2025 01:37]

The Debutante Ball has ended along with February.

And with its demise I have made another write up. Check that out if you are interested.

This could not be possible with out the help from everyone at public sector, and of couse everyone who came out, this is Ottawa DIY. February is a lonely month but we all weathered it and together we see that we are in fact not alone. Thank you, I hope it was as fun for you as it was for us.

Much more planned, stay tuned. Take care of yourself and give a friend a compliment today.

[02/23/2025 21:58]


This friday on the 28th, come see us and our friends live and kiss February goodbye:


Me and Kaz have been hard at work preparing for this set its an important one to us, barley had time to make this post. All new songs, and an entire new set. Hope to see you there.

Here's to hoping you are weathering February well, take care of yourself <3.

(tickets are going fast don't delay!!)
[01/08/2025 12:50]

Happy Belated New Year From MORIDORI!

2024 was a great year for us, but 2025 will be even better!

Somethings already this year:

  • A new band has entered the scene: Seven Hour Suicide(https://7hs.space). I play guitar and bass and kaz is on the drums of course. If you have instagram, you may like the instagram as well, we give random terminally online people on niche breakcore and "lifestyle" discords access to the account where they are allowed to schizo post until they are replaced by another random NEET the next week.
  • Hallowed house video out: https://youtu.be/S3JvWqLpgxc?si=7l4t0vM8uBlajKla. Thanks nicky!!!
  • Candyboys have dropped an amazing album to kick the year off FUCK ALL THE BULLSHIT. Go listen to it now!! The candyboys best work to date.

Thank you for everyone that supported moridori in 2024. As the year turns with new beginnings we will always cherish the memories of times spent together and kind words shared and take them with us as we move forward into 2025. Thank you, all, moridori loves you!

[10/31/2024 00:34]

Hallowed House 2024 is over!

There is not enough room to explain how important this event was to moridori so I made a whole post about it. Check it out!

me at hallowed house

Eternally grateful this happened, thank you everyone. See you soon and make sure to follow public sector to get your hands on the left over mixtapes. It will be rare media soon! Thank you to public sector for putting this together, and everyone involved and everyone that has supported our art. Thank you, it means the world, seriously.

Awesome new things to come soon, so much in the works stay tuned.

[10/19/2024 22:18]

Due to being extremely busy we didn't promote this but we were interviewed live on CKCU FM Wednesday Oct 16th at 10:00am alongside the 498,516,889 Dead Virgins for The Underground Ottawa. It was an amazing pleasure to sit down and talk with the host Graham.

You can find the recording at here (or archived here). Moridori is interviewed in the latter half one new song Anchor and a better quality recorded verson of starlight was also aired.

Make sure to listen to the first episode and tune into later episodes, Graham is a great host and this is an amazing project, it deserves you attention :). Thanks again to Graham for having us on! You can find the show here where it airs live on CKCU FM (83.1) every other Wednesday at 10:00am.

[09/27/2024 17:16]


Saturday October 26 @ 8:00pm

Come see moridori LIVE with a bunch of amazing artists!

Tickets: https://www.eventbrite.ca/e/hallowed-house-2024-tickets-1021373163627?utm-campaign=social&utm-content=attendeeshare&utm-medium=discovery&utm-term=listing&utm-source=cp&aff=ebdsshcopyurl (Get them early to save some $$$)

This spooky venue is open once a year so catch the show if you can. It is a one of a kind space with amazing acoustics. Wear a costume if you feel like it (moridori will be dressing up!)

Lineup: Separator, Sandour, MoriDori, Los3r, Glowveins (new amazing gloom project!!!) and Candyboys.

We are very blessed to be doing this show, it will be a big one for us as it's with our close friends in the scene. This honestly is a show you don't want to miss, moridori, and I am sure everyone else performing October 26th, will be giving it 110%. Try to make this one if you can, it will be a very special show :).

[08/26/2024 16:12]

This was our first time opening at Parliament 2! We had to make a lot of sacrifices to make this show happen so it was a blessing to see all those who came to support. My main amp has officially kicked the bucket but we finally have a replacement. This was going to be the last show with that amp but it literally died the day of during soundcheck so rip despite working up until then. Thanks for putting up with the last minute amp change it is a bit of a headache for us having to do that especially at the house show where we are practiced in that environment and used to a particular sound. I get in my own head about this shit but if I'm being honest I loved the performance, my hands are all scared up and it just makes me smile. Anyway the amp problem is fixed now, we hope you enjoyed the set and had fun. Moridori is very important to us, its larger to us than just a band or music, so it is amazing to have conversations after the show and see the people that gave their time to see us and support us. We have hella a lot planned which we hope you will enjoy, I'll have a new website dropping with details very soon and recordings are already in the process of being made, this all literally only possible from people like you who support in small and big ways. So thank you so much from the bottom of our hearts. Moridori is a focal point in our lives right now, we are excited to record, excited to create and excited for our next shows. As I sit here right now and write I just feel the energy to leave everything out there, can't wait for next time. Thank you, to my friends, new friends and friends we've yet to meet :)

[07/05/2024 00:45]

First emo, hyperpop out of Ottawa published on Spotify!?

Check it out [ here ]. A classic emo split. The acoustic version of the stamp on your jeans is well worth your time too :). Listen to it.

Huge thanks to los3r for doing all the work of getting this posted and making it happen, thank you so much guys, this means a lot to us.

[06/25/2024 00:25]



We are playing an OCCULT themed show with youshowedmewhatloveis and fire manic. Super excited for another gig this will be our second. youshowedmewhatloveis' soundcloud suggests a good taste in music and we have played with fire manic before, and their performance is just next fucking level. Speaking of which, if you haven't already fire manic and dulien released a banger recently so check that out while you are here! Anyway! Tickets can be found here, it would be lovely if you got some. Can't wait for this one, we gunna leave it all out there, hope you enjoy. And hey if you are reading this feel free to talk to us after the show we would love to hear from you, idk how many people read these things haha!

[06/15/2024 01:14]

Yo! Catch our friends LOS3R @ the 27 Club June 26th! This show is gunna be awesome, so don't you dare miss it; I'm sure not going to. Grab tickets here. See ya there, okay?

[06/15/2024 01:09]

Thats a wrap! Thank you all. The live recordings can be found on the recordings page or on youtube. Btw I hid a little secret somewhere in the site :D.

[05/23/2024 23:26]

MORI DORI presents ...


with 498,516,889 Dead Virgins and some extra special guests @ PARLIAMENT II. Show starts 9:00pm (June 8th)! We have limited space so first come first serve. Bring your own drinks and compassion. We are kicking off a wicked summer with a sick house show :D can't wait to see those who show up!!! We will be preparing some things for future performances, which we hope you will enjoy seeing and being a part of! (we will indeed be playing Smash Bros after the show haha)

[05/18/2024 22:39]

Check out our demos [ link ] we will be posting more in the near future as we prepare for shows this summer. And as expected will be recorded with my shitty Samsung S9 from 2018 :).

Lots planned this summer so stay tuned. While you wait you can also check our friends 498,516,889 Dead Virgins at deadcel.me and their new demos.

[05/17/2024 14:17]


Mori Dori now has an RSS feed for updates. You can use the following to subscribe: https://moridori.xyz/feed.rss [link] here we will post site updates and promote stuff the band is doing and our friends are doing to give you details on the Ottawa scene!
We have also finished the music demos page where we post early demos of our music, lyrics and poetry page where we post written content, gallery page for visual content. All use bash scripts to statically generate things so it should make posting a breeze.

Make sure you subscribe to the feed and not miss out on what we are doing and the Ottawa scene in general!

It may help to picture two girls.
Mori and Dori will be their names.
And what beautiful names they have:

Let us first understand the demure Dori.
Dori wants to die.
In her death she wants nothing more than to feel it.
Not the pain, no, the emotions that are beyond the pale.
Behind the veil of dying.
“Let me die” she says,
“Feeling everything important to life”
She wishes then,
To feel through death.

Now unto the outgoing Mori.
Mori wants to die.
In her death she wants nothing more than to die beautifully.
A tragic spectacle, may it be attractive and discussed.
Narrative behind the veil of death.
“Let me die” she says,
“Embodying the beautiful tragedy of life”
She wishes then,
To identify through death.

Finally, we can get to the relationship between these two girls.
Mori Dori.
Mori Dori wants to live.
Either girl will see in the death of the other their purposes.
Dori, so concerned with feeling shall force her soul to linger longer past the objectification of death.
Mori, upon witnessing, will see the inspiring form of, not a body, but something that can be meaningfully identified with.
Mori, so concerned with tragedy shall perform so dutifully that every emotion could be seen in her form.
Dori, upon witnessing, will see the the clear emotionality of death, allowing her to finally feel.
After experiencing each other what need do they have to then die themselves?
They have no need.
To resolve the desire to die:
Can only be life,

Mori Dori
We can only hope that they may stay together
These two girls, the best of friends
Mori Dori
Living happily
mori and dori art by vanne
original art by the lovely VANNE






Into an unconscious mind: Lyrics/Poetry

Mementos and memory: Visual


The Debutante Ball Reflection

Hallowed House 2024 Reflection


Click the buttons below!


Moridori is a sentimental project that exists out of necessity from its members, emotional hardcore outwardly, inwardly its survival.

moridori live at Teeth (live on elgin) July 2024
Photo credits to the wonderful @___francisforever___

moridori is (kind of) a portmanteau of the latin word mori (mŏrĭor) meaning to die (afflicted with death), and the french word doré (stylized as dori) meaning golden. Giving our name the complete meaning of golden death or the better suited "beautiful death". To us, these two concepts, on one hand can be complete opposites to each other but on the other completely intertwined. We have personified both concepts to show the ways in which one informs the other (although in name they take on the opposites meaning, this is intentional).

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Our influences page: i wanna see them!!!

The following is something you may want to read if you are an artist (even in any vague kinda way) or adjacent: Open letter to artists


Email: moridori (at) disroot.org
[ pgp: https://moridori.xyz/moridoripubkey.asc ]
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