In the beginning...
February has historically been a melancholic month for me (certainly I'm not alone). In spite of all it's loneliness and isolation something about February is also so uniquely beautiful. It's a feeling so hard to explain but I'm sure a lot of people understand, at least those of us with snow and cold winters (although I'm inclined to believe it is universal). All this to say, in my heart, I have come to the conclusion that February will be moridori's month. Not to claim this month as ours or anything like that and not that we even want this month to hold the band in the first place (both me and my brother have summer birthdays). It seems February has claimed us. Mori and Dori both belong to February somehow. Just like any other month claims feelings and charts the general ups and downs of our lives, February has laid claim to this band, in its contradicting duality maybe... None the less, to me, it has chosen us.
February 2024 was also a big month for our band. Moridori got it's first live venue show in Gorgenheim's Ball For The Fallen February 16th 2023 (also our first of many shows now with the candyboys). We also did another house show; The Manic Pixie Dream Show February 24th 2023 where we played with the god awful band 498,516,889 Dead Virgins (funny enough it was their debut show, that's really not important though). So for all intents and purposes, Moridori had to have a show in February...
Off the heels of Hallowed House 2024 we starting cooking. We had a bunch of ideas circling around: maybe a battle of the bands, we knew we wanted something visual novel themed, maybe something Valentines themed, maybe we all compete for a veiled beings love that would have never loved us anyway, we look at the lace around us... It has to be something elegant, maybe another ball? We did it last year, we need a new spin, well we all want to compete for the attention of the audience, and the visual novel... It was then we decided we were all characters in a visual novel, vying for your love, putting on this ball to finally break or save our lovesick hearts, and most importantly make the main character we all loved feel noticed and cared about in a month they maybe were feeling more alone than usual.
The show was initially planned for Valentines Day but it quickly became a Post-Valentines Day show, which was more fitting. And the date was set, February 28thThat post Valentines Day feelThe plan
To promote the show we decided on a few things. One we were going to make a website to promote the show. The design and vibe for the promotion was mostly inspired by Tokimeki Memorial but also had some inspiration from Subarashiki Hibi, YOU and ME and HER: A Love Story and Tsui No Sora (especially for the vday card design) the debutante profiles were also inspired by the Katawa Shoujo website. We were also going to do posters around the local Ottawa university campuses, we wanted to do two phases of posters Pre-Valentines Day and then Post-Valentines day. Kaz and Sean also came up with the idea of giving out Valentines Day cards to people to advertise the show. Originally we wanted to put custom hand written messages in them but we became to constrained by time. You can find the card designs and promotional stuff here. Kaz and Nikay designed the cards. Nick (2fa) designed an amazing poster as well (that was put up all over Carleton). The candyboys would also be handling the regular promotion on Instagram through public sector, which was much needed as always.
Nicks poster and vday card with seans poster (supposed to be for second wave of postering)The promotion
We pride ourselves with our guerrilla marketing tactics, and since this was a show we were more involved in the planning of we stepped it up for this show. Thanks to Nicky's amazing poster I was able to put up about 50 posters around Carleton campus before Valentines day. Even though many other people were running pink themed promotions for the month the anime, hand-drawn aesthetics made it stand out, so huge ups to Nicky for the great poster design. We also decided to give out Valentines which was mainly supposed to be Kaz and Sean's job but because of some conflicts I ended up being involved too. Probably one of the most scary things to do by my lonesome for someone like me, cold opens are not my thing. But I was able to hand out about 70 Valentines on Carleton February 14th. But peoples smiles and genuine thank yous made it very much worth it and it was a great excuse to try and make people feel noticed on such an occasion. I'm not sure if anyone came to the show based on the cards handed out (I actually think I saw one person that I gave a card to come out, idk your name man, but thanks for coming out!) but I still fondly remember some of the kind words shared with strangers that day, so overall it was a worthwhile experience for me. Kaz and Nikay handed out the bulk of the cards at uOttawa and Carleton, I think they both got through 100+ on Valentines Day, crazy. Sean and Anna also helped out after handing out the rest at bars and events, so huge thanks to everyone brave enough to hand out Valentines! Pretty awesome experience and I know everyone involved had fun. If you got one, I hope it meant something to you :).
We also planned to do a second run of posters after Valentines Day... but about a week out from the show we were already pretty much sold out (to Sean's great dismay of missing any kind of postering hahahaha). Thanks to the public sector promotion on social media and maybe our work on the ground we sold out really quick! I remember we were all worried if people would care or if this was too out there, but we were all pleasantly surprised. So thank you to all of those who bought tickets online, had us floored at how quick you all were to support something like this. Kaz tells me Thomas Simpson the liberal party candidate for Ottawa Center asked for the ticket link thanks to Trev. Additionally, Trev also promoted the Ball at an NDP town hall and likely elsewhere. So the show had motion in the political circuit, which is so funny to me, so big ups to Trev, we keeping things official here.
Fitting for a ball wouldn't you say?The parts that make a whole
For me this was a show about those who came out. Those who maybe feel unnoticed by the world, unrecognized or maybe invisible at times especially on such a month. In my heart, this was not a show about the performances or our songs but a show with the purpose of making audience feel valued. Current friends, new friends and future friends to feel like they are cared about, seen and appreciated. From the content of the website promotion to handing out valentines to the show itself, I kept this north star at the forefront of my mind. To me the people that take time to come out to our shows, talk to us, share kind words, smile back, help in any kind of small (or big) way and listen to us fills me with great inspiration to continue making art. Moridori doesn't have any recordings (yet) but to us the moments we share together is one of the most valuable components of music making. A shared, unique and beautiful moment, made possible only by your participation. We are primarily a live band due to this unique feeling, these shows are our recordings, the art created together, a shared passion, an unrepeatable moment. To us those who come out, those who get inspired, those who care mean a great deal to us. So to me, I want to pay that forward as best as possible, and thus followed this framing of the show to me. Which I hope came through the night of this show (through my tired rambling at least, followed by our songs). Moridori is about two unknowing incomplete parts making something radically new and whole together, that could never be achieved without the existence and participation of each part. Thus followed this show, to us a practice of such an idea, a reminder of the first repetition. So thank you for your participation at this show, it was something to remember for sure.
Captured with elegance by bluechapellamvThe Debutantes
Well, I got to set up the stage again. This time around there was four acts and for only two of them I was in the audience. I would be amiss though not to comment on the bands though as we all put months of work into this show. So here it goes.
Seven Hour Suicide
This was Seven Hour's debut show. For the lead singer Sean this was an especially important show, at least its what keeps him here. He was also throwing up before the show (and at the show) due to a nasty cough. To be honest this level of determination to do a performance I have never seen before, but bro pulled it off. Creating one of in my opinion the most beautiful moments of the show coming before (and during) his performance on I Know It's Over by the Smiths. Sean spent a lot of time training and preparing for that song and it came through, that night. Going from a highschool alto sax player to full blown singer and song writer, his metamorphosis into the artist he is today is completely inspiring to me. Couldn't be a better front man and bandmate for Seven Hour Suicide. As for our bassist Nick this was his first ever live performance. My god did he kill it and was solid throughout. Without him this band wouldn't exist as it is today and for that we are all grateful. He got to close out the set screaming during Burial Rites, and he earned it. I still don't believe him when he says he wasn't nervous for the show but apparently those nerves are made of steel, which we need here at 7HS. Welcome to the band, Nicky! Kaz was solid as always, was nice to lock with him and Nick while Sean bounced around with the audience. Importantly, this was really a set Sean and Nick should be proud of. Remember it fondly. Stay tuned for more problematic antics:
Captured with elegance by bluechapellamvCandyboys
Off the back of an amazing release this year, really all we needed to hear from them was a handful of songs off the new album. Instead we were treated with a whole musical, an entire story with acting, heartbreak and music unfolding in-font of our eyes. With the Candyboys using a live instrument set up, which as far as I know has never before been done by them as the Candyboys, which was extremely impressive to see. They had Trev running the sound effects and other samples too with a reliability only he would be capable of :). I could tell there was a lot of thought that went into the prep for this set and the songs were carefully picked to match the themeing of their narrative. Post candyboys set, I can only hope from now on I can learn to trust myself and ignore all the noise largely there just to distract me from what I care about, and only then maybe learn to dance to the rhythm of my own heart. Still means a lot to me these guys still enjoy playing with us and setting up shows despite our vastly different sounds sonically, a lot of this is not possible without them. Thank you Will and Zack :).
Captured by a very nice photographer who I never got the name of.Glowveins
Well they did it again, another amazing set by Glowveins. Maxx and Ammon really found their sound together, all parts felt really locked in and both were in their element. I have no idea how they are able to get as loud as they do but they just do (in the best of ways). For their set they really hit home the love theme with especially, my favourite, their cover of A Chicken With It's Head Cut Off by The Magnetic Fields bringing the noisy screaming sound to such a simple love song was a real good choice. To me its so cool hearing their soft vocals try to cut through the raw noise of their set, somehow really fit nicely with the Debutante profile I wrote them for the promotion. The originals as always were top notch as well, it astonishes me how audible Ammons screaming is through the pounding bass and overdriven guitar it really speaks to his talent as a screamer, which I know a bit about at this point haha. Anyway this is a band you don't want to ever miss. Honestly there is a lot of bands who use a lot of effect and overdrive, slap the label shoegaze on their bands to capitalize on the resurgence of the genre but don't even do anything new or even capture what made it great in the first place (which has me personally made me anti guitar pedal). Glowveins on the other hand mixes gloom and hardcore using these plastic hacked together pedals and (in my opinion) a schizophrenic drum machine set up to create a unique modern sound, while still sticking to a more older approach to performing this kind of thing. Anyway, stay tuned for more shows with this band haha, its about time us hardcore musicians do a live venue together for once.
Captured by a very nice photographer who I never got the name of.Debutante Ball MVPs
Of course it is not just the acts that put on a show but there are also many more people involved that are just as important. Shoutout to Trev and Sam for running doors. Sam also did some recording and made an edit of Kaz somewhere idk where that is but I saw it yesterday and it was funny as fuck, so thank you Sam. Trev as always holds down the fort, not only keeping a line up for the bathroom but using a sheer commanding presence alone to make sure people were taking off their shoes, thanks bro! I wanna thank those who came from the Valentines Day card hand outs, looking back that was probably sketchy but I saw at least one of you, so shout out to you :D. Also I wanna thank my friends Victor, Josh and Sean M for coming out, not really something you guys are used to but you all came to support a new friend which means a lot to me and warms my heart (don't worry Josh, I saw you side stage, I know you came out despite being busy as hell haha, means a lot). Also thank you Adil and Vanne for filming the whole night, I am currently texting bro every day to see this footage haha. It really means a lot to see your continued dedication to documenting this scene and our shows, so thank you. I also want to importantly thank Braden and Luuk, these guys came 6 hours to see us and despite that helped us set up and move gear and ran errands (with the help of Scotty too!!!), doing shows with those who I care about in attendance adds a whole new level of importance to my sets. These guys have been solid friends throughout my life and as circumstance tries to keep us apart we are still able to fight back and make time for each other, due in most part of these guys just being able to say "fuck it lets go to Ottawa". Thank you guys for your years of friendship and support :). Thanks to Scott also for believing me and proving to the crew that I am in fact not schizophrenic and the mic really was shocking my face. And of course all my roommates who put up with house of noise (from two bands!) as we prepared for the show. Last but not least, thank you Candyboys and Glowveins and of course everyone who took time out of their day to come see us, all of this is impossible without your effort to come here!
Captured without restraint by sambo (mosh during burial rites)
Follow candyboys and glowveins as 100% of the time they are doing something cool. Seven Hour Suicide is selling merch right now and are making a list of people interested. You can find their socials at, or if you know me directly just shoot me a line. The designs are made by Nicky himself so you know it's gas. Moridori is always doing things, just things you may or may not know about. Everything is posted right here, so don't go far and never be a stranger.
And that ends The Debutante Ball, make sure to take care of yourself. Trust love will find you, and take time for those who already do love you. Goodnight, February.
With love, from moridori <3
Captured by a very nice photographer who I never got the name of.
I'm not sure how many people read these things as I don't keep track of page views but thank you for reading this. I hope it gave you some insight on the process of doing such a DIY event and the feelings after. I can also guarentee my grandma and deb have read this far. So hi grandma, and hi deb! Your christmas money was set aside and went directly to replacement guitar strings, on my last two packs now after this show HAHA! Nothing compared to Kaz though, he has obliterated about 20 pairs of drumsticks too at this point we going to have to start making our own. Can't wait to see you guys Easter, I'll be done school by then my god! For those who read this far and my family of course I'll share a special moment here just cuz: Moridori mostly had a set made of entirely new songs one of which was deticated to Beatrice, in the our set it was the second last song. She was completing her late night placement at the hospital and then was going to rush and try to catch Moridori's set. As luck would have it she ran late, and the second last song began. I looked to the crowd and could not see her, the chorus began, and I am about to scream her name, I look around, no Beatrice. In this moment I take a knee look to the sky and imagine I'm screaming to her, to whatever sidewalk or car she is in at the moment, I'll scream loud enough for her to hear. I scream my lines: "Beatrice, can't you tell how much you mean to me?". I finish and look beside me, through the doorway, there she was, she made it, with the biggest grin on her face she caught her moment. Dramatic, I know. But something I'll remember for the rest of my life. It's funny how it all works out somehow.