The Debutante Ball is a music performance held by We have four unique debutantes ready to pour their hearts out for you.
It's now up to you, on the dawn of February 28th, to decide who will earn your precious attention...
Dress Code: This is, in fact, an opulent ball. One of love and beauty. To meet this lofty energy we strongly encourage you wear something formal (yet comfortable), although this is an event about you so wear whatever you feel beautiful in <3
These two childhood friends used to always hang out with you, now that you have returned home you guys have rekindled your friendship! With their captivating melodies and hatred for all things bullshit, they surely have come into their own since you left. Now, you find yourself asking how much you have changed as well. Do you still hold onto the past? Suffer from old vices maybe? Or have you moved on and evolved as well? Does this vignette still hold these two close? The answers to these questions may lie deep within your heart or maybe it's just all one big cycle...
This utsudere likes to sit beside you during the college philosophy classes you started back up upon returning home. You usually find him sitting alone looking gloomy and depressed. He is quite cold to other people, but with you he's different. To you he's so kind and brings you flowers and cookies, and listens to you intently. But all this leaves you asking: why is he like this? Is there something deeper within him that he is hiding? His gloomy outward expression suggests a nihilistic state of mind. But theres a light there that cuts through the void. Maybe something endearing clawing to get out? Do you trust it? Will that flower blossom or will it become dread and corrupt you too? Only you can find out...
This yandere hasn't stopped stalking you since you moved back home. She stares intensely through you as if quite literally after your heart. It scares you, thats for sure... Although, her fevered passion and sincerity might just be enough for you to look past her bipolar outward expression... Maybe you can fix her? Or maybe you two are destined to die together as she seems to suggest? Or for all you know these questions just disgust you. Either way, one thing is true, she cares about you...
This patriotic tsundere hasn't stopped ridiculing you for your lack of conviction since you moved into the room next to them. The constant taunting gets tiresome but you can't help but feel like there is something more behind their abhorrent dialect. Is there something beyond the veil? Their music suggests an inkling to such... or is it just all some cruel joke? Will you choose to laugh with them or at them?
P.S. If you have any questions or concerns feel free to DM on Instagram or email Thank you.
you don't have to be alone anymore.
go back...