A flash of white forces you to blink twice.
Theme A, //*237, "Wake up, honey" $>> Theme B, ###### "You can talk to me", ///Buf>$ Theme C, &126;* "I just wanna be okay". UTF-9LTF... You find yourself alone in an unfamiliar bedroom. Yet, despite everything, you're comfortable. You look around... twin bed; pink covers; lilacs; record player; rotary dial; daisies; stuffed bear; poster; lavender; picture frame; snap dragons; closed door; cluttered desk; monitor; keyboard; orchid; notebook; open window; daytime... You move towards the desk, your eyes are drawn to a letter. One of love? regret? goodbye? You can't understand, and you're wishing you could... lean in... focus... Resting your hand on the desk your fingers find a [ Key | Necklace | Pen | Knife ]