~ Mori Dori's Guestbook ~

Leave a message you want us to read. Just don't fill it up with nonsense or I'll have to remove it. Lets see how long this lasts...

18 - 4 =
Trevor > it would be HARD AS FUCK if you smashed your guitar over kaz’s head next show… just saying
Nuclear Bomb > Legalize me
Wxccxn lxps > THIS BAND IS SO COOL AND THE DRUMMER IS HOT 🥵 I LOVE WHEN HE TAKES HIS SHIRT OFF AT THE SHOWS! This band truly is amazing and their dedication and hard work is really noticeable. My two fav songs are Pawn song and Starlight 💗
jeebus > long my children have i waited for the prodigal ones.... come forth
DssectedSpirt > I hate you. Tear your body apart. Your scattered mind is uninteresting. At least give me the spectacle of gore; I need a good laugh.
based_drainer32 > here before new snare kaz #boom #awesome
Kaz > This website rulezzz. Don't tell the feds I’m armed!!!!
bomberman > I love Mori <3
q > i spent way too much time on this